After removing the driver's side quarter I found the outer wheelhouse rotted through but only on the outer lip. I can't bring myself to removing perfectly good metal so I'm only going to replace the lip (see the marked area)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Template for Cutting
After taping off the rotted wheelhouse lip, I transfered the tape (template) to the new wheelhouse in prep for cutting.
Posted by Dario Moreno at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Getting New Quarter Ready
Decided to butt weld in a patch for my quarter. Since most of the original quarter is in good shape, I will only replace what is necessary. There was surprisingly little rust under the original.
Posted by Dario Moreno at 5:06 PM 0 comments
Gotta Love Clecos
I aligned the new patch with the existing body lines. As the wife held the patch in place, I drilled a few holes through both layers of sheetmetal and stuck in some clecos I found on ebay. Great deals there for a handful of them and the pliers you'll need. I love these things! After this I scribed in the outline of the patch and taped the design for ease of cutting.
Posted by Dario Moreno at 5:05 PM 0 comments
Perfect Fit!
I cut out the exact shape of the patch but left little tabs where the cleco holes were so that as I weld later, I will have something that will hold the panel in place. Once most of the panel is butt welded in, I'll cut off the tabs and weld up those edges too. First thing's first though... the wheelhouse has to be repaired before all else.
Posted by Dario Moreno at 5:04 PM 0 comments
Overall Fit
The panel lays in quite nicely when the old sheetmetal in removed. Sure hope I didn't get in over my head on this.
Posted by Dario Moreno at 5:02 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Meet the Donor

Posted by Dario Moreno at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Taking a Peek

Posted by Dario Moreno at 11:06 AM 0 comments
What's the Plan?

Posted by Dario Moreno at 11:04 AM 0 comments